web3 native community shaping the
future of the sneaker industry.


Feel the leather. The lace. The rubber. Feel the street. The hot drops. What was once physical is now digital. The future of streetwear is here - and there’s no going back.

SneakerHeads isn’t just an NFT collection. We have created web 3.0’s largest sneaker community. Reshaping the future of distribution and collection. We’re dedicated to build a dynamic ecosystem where true collectors, emerging creators and innovative brands can thrive.

Joining the club opens up a world of exciting perks! As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive hot deals, discount, raffles, and whitelisting opportunities. Plus you’ll be among the first to discover innovations. Connect with gifted creators and immerse yourself in a community that shares your zeal.

SneakerHeads 2.0 on Blast!

We're leveling up with a new app that merges a sneaker distribution platform on Blast. Designed for the modern collector, we combine the thrill of collecting physical items with the wild world of NFTs. Get ready for points, rewards, and some seriously dope shoes!



To have dope sneakers in Web3, you gotta vault and tokenize them. That's exactly what we do at sneaker.cloud—we're building the infrastructure needed to distribute shoes on the blockchain. Creating the largest web3 marketplace and community for sneakers. Interested in partnering up and joining the movement? There's only one place:



SneakerHeads is his community, we represent a vibrant diverse sneaker and streetwear enthusiasts. United by a shared passion for web3, we’re shaping the future of urban culture, drawing in forward-thinking individuals eager to co-create, innovate, and journey with us. Join us on Discord, Twitter or Instagram!


Ali Dawood

The creator

The mastermind behind SneakerHeads art. He’s committed to utilizing his talent to maintain the creative integrity of the project.



With a track record in marketing and community building, Emme now leads SneakerHeads with a vision to revolutionize the industry through Web3.


Community Lead Initative

Julien brings his passion for design and crafting community-driven experiences, a critical mission to achieve our vision of becoming the largest sneaker community.


Head design

A vital force since SneakerHeads inception, he'll keep crafting phenomenal designs, videos, and 3D elements that encapsulate the essence of our brand.


Head Mod

Our vibe provider on Discord, engaging the community in many ways including orchestrating a variety of events to keep us all entertained.


Sneaker blogger

Johnny crafts rich and engaging content around sneakers, keeping the community up-to-date on releases, trends and providing tips on snagging the pairs everyone's been eyeing.

Bringing streetwear culture into web3.